We have been married for 35 years and have always enjoyed building things together-so this blog has been no exception. We started out putting a stereo center kit together 34 years ago-which by the way we still have-then as our daughters grew we tackled a shed(playhouse) which we also still have. We have two beautiful biological daughters and two equally handsome adopted sons. We have been blessed with seven grandchildren(4 girls and 3 boys). Life is rich and getting richer by the day. Our intent is to share with our readers not only the fun and adventure of parenting and foster parenting. But to give insight into ways to develop your child’s character for them to be the best person they can be. Life is not about the things we have. Life is about the memories we have. It is about those “Hycinths that feed the soul”. The contentment that is found in just being together in those moments when we break from a wired and harried world. Savor life- it is the only one you have.
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